Where to from Here?

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This blog has existed in some way, shape or form for the last ten years but it has never really manifested as anything more than these scribbled lines in a now empty room. I’ve been writing for years now, just doing what I’ve doing for my own reasons but around twenty years ago I went through a spiritual shift in consciousness that left me feeling like I was dying from the inside out, so when I started penning The Buried Path, it became a lifeline of sorts, a whole ‘nother direction that at the time I hoped would pave my way forward.

Now, the thing is, up until this point, I’ve been working towards that end, so if you’ve been around for some time, then you’ve probably seen me touting passages from within its pages over on Facebook, for a while, at least.

Still, despite it all, nothing’s really moved, nothing’s really shifted the way I wanted it to shift, the way I wanted it to move as I have made my way through the seasons that’re the streets ‘pon which I have walked. Now, I don’t know if I’ve been too mild mannered, too passive about all of this, if I should’ve taken a stronger stance or if I should’ve thrown a whole lot more into the mix. Though, up until now, I don’t think I’ve had the heart to truly let go and say what I’ve really needed to say.

The problem is, social media has become a right-winged platform that has deplatformed a lot of the prominent voices who’ve been speaking out against much of what is going on and silenced those who’ve been answering the questions that so many people have been asking throughout what is happening.

Freedom of speech is a myth…

…even in this day and age.

So don’t for a minute think that right is being protected…

…it’s not.

So this is why I am centring my work here, on my blog, where the truth isn’t an official mandate dictated through what’re official channels but, something that can be openly questioned without the fear of being shut down so we’re left pencilling in what we can in the dark.

Now, if we all took the time to truly look for the answers we seek instead of accepting the answers we have been given, we wouldn’t be facing what is now coming at us through the pitch black of night at breakneck speed…

…yet, here we are.

There is an agenda in place on this planet and that agenda doesn’t want those voices to be heard, it’s why those voices are being silenced and why the system is quietly stripping away just about every other human right we have, all before we have time to know what is really going on.

Now, I don’t profess to know everything but I can see that train coming…

…and it is pretty much here.

Basically, in a nutshell, I need to step out from under my own fear and not give a fuck about what other people think about me which, being overly sensitive at times, isn’t all that easy and probably why I cower behind an anonymous pseudonym.

Simply put, I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do, regardless, because the last thing I want from life, is to be left standing in the aftermath of what is coming, kicking and screaming for not having given everything I could have given when it really mattered.

So, here I am, putting this blog back together, uploading old content and trying to make a mends. I’ve still got some work to do, like refining the layout and adding functionality but I am going to try and bypass the whole social media thing, the whole email thing and publish this blog on an app if that finally adds up to that something more and makes that much of a difference.

At this point in time, we all need to stand together because life as we know life is about to change and it isn’t ever going to be the same again, the rubber met the road a little while back and is quickly gathering momentum so time is of the essence.

I hope this finds you well and remember, be kind and be gentle with one another.

Freedom from within,

The Journeyman.


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