Do you know where you are in all of this? I mean, a level a little deeper than the one where you currently reside within all of those difficulties that are now culminating as a result of the lives you have been living, for however long it has been?”
“Are you speaking to me or, humanity as a whole?”
“You, but not only you, to you as a whole.”
“Okay, to whoever find themselves here.”
“More or less.”
“So, where does that leave us then?”
“Right here. It is that simple.”
“What about you though, where are you coming from?”
“I’m not really sure.”
“Well you are going to need to know where you are coming from if you are going to survive what is coming.”
“What do you mean exactly?”
“Well, here we are in a world between worlds yet we are still worlds and worlds apart in many respects, though, not much has changed from where I am looking in on you and where it is you are but, a lot needs to be said if you are going to get to where it is you are going.”
“Relatively speaking, I know where it is I am but where is it you are exactly?”
“Right now, across many timelines, yet none of them cross in a manner with which you are familiar.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean?”
“For example, as an overall conscious triune of conscious, subconscious and superconscious points on what could be considered a triangle, all three exist together as one yet from what you consider to be your conscious being you are largely unaware, consciously, of both your subconscious and superconscious minds which, in your mind’s eye, see none of them cross despite the fact they are all ‘intertwined’ that is, for lack of a better word.”
“This is where it gets weird, this will be tricky to a point but bide with me on this and I will try and explain it all to you in as simple terms as I possibly can.”
“Go on then.”
“See, despite these three minds existing as separate realities there is nothing separate about any of them, meaning, the closest approximation you have would be sections more so than layers, dividers dividing up sections on a plate, yet this is still largely inaccurate.”
“Okay, I know where you are going.”
“I also understand that this is not your first time with this material, that you have been studying these lines before.”
“Have we met before?”
“No, not in the typical sense but we have met, as in, we are all one so our paths have crossed in an unfamiliar fashion from within those sections of consciousness that are still largely unexplored by what you deem to be your conscious mind, that is why I am here, that is why I am going to try and help you figure all of this out, or answer some of your questions at the very least.”
“I can buy that to a point and it’s not that I need proof of anything but I am cynical or at least, have become cynical, so I’m not going to be all that easy to deal with, especially at the moment.”
“We have been acquaintances in past lives, we may not have been friends in a close sense but we were never unfriendly so there will not be a lot of emotional interference in that sense.”
“Look, there is a lot you need to know about this coming event if enough of you are to survive what is coming and preserve this particular leg of humanity.”
“I have known for long enough now that all of this has been coming, though I want to back up a bit, as in, you said you come from across many timelines yet you used the conscious triune as an example, so am I right to assume that was a simple example and that you are coming from more places than that?”
“Okay then, where exactly?”
“Well, consciousness is fragmented so we all exist in part within realities of which we are largely unaware, yet that does not mean they do not exist because they cannot be perceived by your mind’s eye.”
“Then on top of all of that, reality is fragmented in many ways, as in, take your understanding of the past, present and future paradigms which, from a quantum physics perspective, states that both your past and future realities are all happening within your present reality which would mean that you are also fragmented within that timeline, yet time does not exist as you know time.”
“So that is where I come from but to answer your question, I am coming from Tartaria.”
Freedom from within,
The Journeyman.