So here we are trying to make our way forward though all of this, as if all of this is of our doing yet we’re still blaming ourselves with that biblical-like self-loathing that’s deeply rooted within the human psyche but, if we’re being gamed from behind the scenes, then none of this is our fault; so why then do we do that to ourselves?”
“Because ultimately, you know no better but even when you do, it is because it is righteous, as you said, to be seen living with that biblical-like self-loathing, to be kicking yourselves about instead of accepting yourselves as who you are, instead of accepting yourselves as worthy recipients of that which is your labours fruits.”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean is, humanity enjoys playing the martyr.”
“Take climate change, as yet another example, whether it is real or perceived, you have accepted it as if it is real, where you then feel that sense of worthiness in kicking yourself about all over the place because you live with that biblical-like self-loathing, demanding that humanity is the root cause of it all, that the world would be a better place without humans and their destructive nature when nothing could be further from the truth.”
“You have come to this planet in whatever way, shape or form and have been accepted by this planet as one of its own, so therefore you are this planet’s guardians in that sense and are way more deserving than that for which you give yourselves credit.”
“Go on.”
“What you do not understand, that is, as a species as a whole, is that many of your teachings have only ever been taught to keep you in a state of negative vibration, thus, keeping you from yourselves, in that respect, keeping you from your value fulfilment and living the lives you were meant to live.”
“And you’re not just talking about climate change here are you?”
“The whole nine yards?”
“Yes. Banking. Religion. Education. Schooling. Bankruptcy. Gender. Inequality. Racism. The whole nine yards.”
“Go on then.”
“This is the thing, much of your history has been buried in order to divide humanity into as many subcategories as possible, that are then being used to turn mankind in on itself which, and you do not have to look all that close to see, that it has humanity divided on every single issue in the book, and then some.”
“Divide and conquer.”
“Yes. Divide and conquer. It is the old adage that “you cannot rule a nation if you cannot divide a nation,” or thereabouts.”
“Just look at how easily it can be done, for example, take an issue, like the one you are facing at the moment, in the form of this pandemic, most people have kowtowed and donned a mask of sorts, yet no one has vowed to look any further than government dictates and have simply accepted their government on their word without the slightest bit of research, now nations are living in fear the world over in the face of something they have yet to establish via the own sense of reckoning where some sort of personal certainty can be established.”
“Where people are assuming fiction as fact, not based on their own research but on the trust they have placed in their governments when on any other day, they wouldn’t trust their governments at all.”
“That is exactly it, people the world over have little faith in their politicians or their governments, yet buckle when it comes time to stand on their own two feet and take a stance.”
“Which is the thing, people are staunchly impassioned by their beliefs and their belief systems and will fight to the death to defend either one, often without conscious rhyme or reason but what most people do not understand, is that they are simply on a bandwagon and the moment that bandwagon takes another turn in another direction, so too will those very same people. So many people live with that sense of bravado, that superhero notion that would see them in the eyes of the world championing those wrongs that need to be righted, standing tall as if the eyes of the world are upon them so when the moment arises and those belief systems are challenged, they too will make their stand, defending assumptions they themselves have never actually challenged, especially when amongst however many others and will do just about anything to be seen.”
“Doing what they do, not because it is what they would do but because that’s what they have been told to do, because it’s more about being seen than it is about righting those wrongs.”
“Exactly. They go wherever it is the shepherd is leading them which is how people are pitched against one another in just about every walk of life.”
“Not realizing that the shepherd is that wolf in shepherd’s clothing, not realizing that they’re simply doing what they are told, right or wrong, in their own eyes.”
“Most people never question right or wrong, in that relative sense, they simply take right or wrong as their truth without ever examining that truth on any level.”
“The thing is, if you can get someone to wear a mask without medical examination then you can get that person to do just about anything, especially when it comes to their health; which is a now more than obvious fact.”
“See, you must understand that nobody gives up everything right off the cuff, that if you are going to get anyone to give up anything then you must first give them a good enough reason, then you need to get them to give up whatever is they have in small increments, that way the shift from a sovereign being to a simple slave is an almost seamless transition.”
“That’s the thing, people have often laid down their lives based on nothing more than what is government propaganda so if you can get someone to lay down their life then taking away their freedom, is a cinch.”
“Seemingly, humanity lives its life as a sovereign being, freely living life as if its life is a product of conscious choice, though, what it does not understand is that its entire existence has been manipulated from the mind out, that it has been brainwashed into believing that its decisions are its decisions alone and why, as bad as those decisions are on any level, it is responsible alone for the way around the world is and why it lives in a very self-depreciating manner, it is why so many people are more than willing to point the finger at themselves even though they are reluctant to pull the trigger.”
“So, although it may not be our fault, we still need to take responsibility for who we have become otherwise we will remain right where we are for forevermore.”
“Though, having said that, you will become stronger, spiritually speaking, in the long run, as a species.”
“See, here is the thing, because people allow themselves to be blindly led, too many of those people in this world have no idea who they are and, as I said, given a good enough reason, will do just about anything they are told.”
“What do you mean?”
“As in World War II, as in Nazi Germany, people act without investigation, again, assuming facts where there is only fiction as it is fed to them through mainstream channels, where they then take actions they would not otherwise take had they consciously looked a little further than they had.”
“Which is people simply doing what they’re told.”
“Every single time.”
“Which is how wars start.”
“So, a Nazi is neither a good person or a bad person, a Nazi is someone who, given a good enough reason, will simply do what they are told.”
“Which runs with that Voltaire quote, ‘those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities,’ something humanity has done time and time again, a littered history of atrocities committed based on nothing more than absurdities.”
Freedom from within,
The Journeyman.