The Tartarian : III of X

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So this is the hard part, this is where it is going to get weirder still, as if it has not gotten weird enough already and remember, the human mind typically rejects anything new the first time around, that is if it is going to accept it at all, pretty much in the same way a human body will eventually eject a foreign body or, limp around upon it for however long until it has it forcibly removed.”

“Makes sense, I guess.”

“Do you remember how long it took you to accept that spiritual shift in consciousness that has led you to where you are?”

“Not that long.”

“If I remember rightly, it took you four or five years to simply accept that shift as a path let alone walk that path to where it is you are now.”

“Okay then, so longer than I care to admit.”

“And those four or five years weren’t lived without more than your fair share of upheaval, were they?”

“No. Not quite.”

“It was diabolical to say the least, was it not?”

“Yeah. It was.”

“So then, how willing do you think humanity as you know humanity will be in accepting what is coming as the genuine article despite the fact that it is now staring down the barrel of a gun?”

“Not in the least bit willing.”

“And this is why what has been happening, is happening, this is why what is coming is almost here, because humanity as a whole is largely unwilling to accept the notion that something is wrong despite that something being constantly backed up by undisputed facts, even though those at the helm claim the science has long since been settled.”

“That’s something I have found more often than not when talking to anyone with an opposing view, that whoever it is will argue their beliefs before they argue the knowledge without ever considering what knowledge they have has been largely assumed from within their own underlying belief systems which has brought them to where it is they are.”

“That is exactly it. We assume an awful lot as knowledge when in fact that assumption is nothing more than the basis of our beliefs, which are too often, a school of thought that has served as nothing more than a system of indoctrination that has placed the paving stones upon the path upon which too many believe they are freely walking.”

“Let me ask you this then, because this is where I think you want to go but, this scheduled culling of humanity, is that what happened to Tartaria?”

“Yes. We were culled back from within the population, we were shepherded so to speak, by our own, those monarchs, those heads of state, into believing we were under attack without a reasonable basis for that belief, again, assuming knowledge when that knowledge was nothing more than a word play that saw fear sown into the minds of our people and turned, who were, the sleeping masses, against a far smaller minority which saw emergency laws written into our countries constitutions that were eventually applied to everyone.”

“Which is what is happening to us with this pandemic.”

“Yes. What you have to understand is, there are spiritual laws in place on this planet that are protecting you, to an extent, which is why you are being coerced into making the decisions you have been making, because what is happening cannot happen without your consent.”

“How does this agenda do that exactly, though?”

“The Hegelian Dialectic, the whole, problem/reaction/solution narrative where, in this instance, this agenda promotes a problem, real or perceived, stirs up a reaction then offers up its solution which is not a solution but will seem like a solution because, by then, they will have removed what caused the problem they themselves created in the first place.”

“So, the problem was never really a problem but a means of delivering a solution which is not a solution but a covert means of ushering in whatever ill intent they have install for the sleeping masses, as well as those who the sleeping masses have managed to drag along in tow?”

“In this instance, they are fearmongering the pandemic as a means of delivering these vaccines into a population that has done nothing more than assume what is being passed for knowledge, as knowledge, when in actuality they are really only accepting what have become their own fear-based paradigms.”

“So, what then happened to Tartaria exactly?”

“Our culture, in terms of time, was around 1000 years old, which places us in our infancy, even in human terms, we were far from maturing yet we had made a lot of spiritual headway in that respect, still, we were able to be convinced that we were under attack by a malevolent alien species who were crossing space at an unprecedent speed in order to consume our civilisation for what it was worth, our resources, our intellectual property, our people then return the Earth back to its original state, all based on hearsay, information that was manufactured in a government suite somewhere by government officials, the alien agenda, their shapeshifters and their henchmen, that an advanced party had been with us for a decade, gathering information in order to bypass our defence systems and execute their plan.”

“Surely though, after 1000 years you must’ve had enough tech to be able to defend yourselves?”

“No. Although we had defence systems in place, they were still largely primitive in many respects and we didn’t really know how to defend ourselves. Though, having said that, Tartaria was mostly a peaceful culture, there were very few acts of violence on the scale you practice violence and because our socioeconomic paradigms, although far from perfect, were way more generous than the provisional paradigms you have where you are, we were able to provide for our people in a manner you cannot even provide for the least of you so we had little need to evolve at the pace you are evolving.”

“Hang on, so what you’re saying is that after 1000 years you had less tech than we have now?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes. We had the tools to build and construct a civilisation that by far exceeds what you have constructed but because we lived a much healthier life style we had little need to advance in the field of medicine the way you have advanced. Our diets were largely plant based, not entirely but largely, not only that but hemp was used as a staple part of our diet so many of the exotic diseases that have swept throughout your cultures, like Alzheimer’s and dementia, motoneurons and cancer, to name but a few, never existed in Tartaria to that same extent, which is what happens when you starve your bodies of essential nutrients, creating sickness and ultimately death, amongst your kin. What you do not understand as a species as a whole, is that illness and ill-health is largely down to terrain, the poisoning of your system as such, as in, you might have a genetic predisposition to whatever overruns your body but at the end of the day, it is the health of your body that determines your health and not those neurological and biological disorders and diseases that are nothing but the result of the poisoning then the starving of your body of its essential nutrition that results in your downfall.”

“So, your construction methods, your knowledge base, your materials and your tools were well beyond what we have now, your ability to produce energy and you’re your ability to provide for your people were beyond anything that we have at our disposal today?”

“Yes. Our ability to provide materialistically for our people was beyond measure, nobody struggled in the same manner in which large proportions of your society struggle to provide while even larger proportions of your society lack to the point of starvation and death, for their basic needs.”

“So, it was just medically and militarily that you fell behind?”

“Well, no, not even. From that standpoint, we had no need to research solutions for problems that never existed. Sure, we were far from understanding everything there was to know about our health and the fundamental nature of our physical being but we were not falling behind as such.”


“Which is another point, as human beings, both Tartarians and your leg of humanity, we have an endocannabinoid system in our bodies that means we have a symbiotic relationship with cannabis and why our health was in much better shape than the shape your health is in, which is why hemp is illegal, because hemp, in absolute terms, is a solution to a problem, or better put, is a nutrient that is vital to your wellbeing, which without, your body starves then subsequently succumbs to those problems in question, meaning, in short, you have a health care system that is hell bent on making you sick as a means of dependently tying you to that leash that is their infrastructure.”

“Why though?”

“Because the agenda wants you right where you are, living on that leash, financially, medically and spiritually, so they can determine who it is you are and where it is you are able to go so they know exactly where it is you are in every aspect of your lives.”


“So, we were far more prosperous and had little need to produce the advanced tech that you have now in your field of medicine, though, not only that, in your military complexes. We were very much content, so we had no need to go about our lives the way you have been going about your lives as you do.”

“So why exactly did you buy into that alien invasion?”

“Because, like you, we were still very much young in earthly terms, we were as easily manipulated as you are, into taking actions for reasons that were not our own.”

“And it’s as simple as that?”

“Yes. It is. People as a whole, not only Tartarians but your leg of humanity, operates on a level of brainwashing that has infiltrated almost every corner of the human mind. Take religion, for example, all religious paradigms operate as a form of control, congregations fearmongered into believing that if they do not play by a certain set of rules, hell awaits those nonplayers, so do as you are told and do not try and mend what was never broken. The thing is, much of the world’s population still believes in religion in some way, shape or form, whether they are a practicing or a nonpracticing, denomination, so you are held over a barrel of sorts and as a consequence, have had your lives thought out for you so you do not have to think for yourselves.”


“So in almost every respect, we, as in you, are told what to believe, day in, day out, our entire belief systems are a mental construct that has manipulated the way you think and, consequently, the way you behave, the way you treat each other and, ultimately, the way you treat yourselves.”

Freedom from within,

The Journeyman.

The Tartarian : I of X

The Tartarian : II of X

The Tartarian : III of X

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