Ihave heard of Tartaria but what I know is limited to nothing more than a few stories pasted around the internet along with enough photos to maybe give it some credibility but not enough to take it any further than that.”
“This is where I come in.”
“This is where you begin filling in the blanks?”
“In a manner of speaking, yes, though there are answers you are seeking for which you have no questions, leading you to believe that you are looking for pieces to a puzzle that once complete, will only ever seem complete because of your current understanding of the world around you but there are pieces out there that you do not even know exist and the puzzle itself, is far larger than you can possibly entertain within the confines of your own mind, so those blanks will remain blank for some time yet.”
“Alright then, so where does that leave us?”
“As in, you and me? There is nowhere else to be but right where we are. This is where we begin building the intellectual framework within which you will begin to build an infrastructure that will house humanity and allow it to grow in a manner that will fulfil future generations, who expand in awareness of their actual surroundings and are not cornered within the perceived notions that have been given to them on that plate from which they are spoon-fed.”
“I understand that humanity and its infrastructures need to change but what exactly needs changing?”
“Essentially, the whole way you live life.”
“Okay, but where exactly would we start?”
“Before I go any further, what you need to understand is that this is as much about me and Tartaria as it is about you and your leg of humanity as you know yourselves, that modifying your beliefs will modify the way you behave and will be the first foundation stone to all of this, that without the correct belief systems in place, much of what you are trying to achieve will be unachievable and why we continue to fail over and over again. The thing is, humanity’s current beliefs are not a product of their own thoughts but a product that is a train of thought that is not their own, that your leg of humanity has never known what it means to be free so by default what you all deem to be freedom, is nothing more than a book of governed rules set in stone by an agenda that has connived you into building, what is, nothing more than an elaborate prison that you yourselves built freely for your own enslavement, if that makes any sense.”
“It does and although I have my doubts, what you’re saying is that we have largely built what we have built but what we have built, we have built within, what you have called, an intellectual framework that is not seeded within our own intellect.”
“Yes. That is it, exactly.”
“So, if not us then who, laid out that framework?”
“That is the next big question.”
“Go on then.”
“Do you really want the answer?”
“Humanity as you know yourselves is a product of genetic engineering by an alien species about 12,500 years ago and that you are, we are, their creation.”
“Us as we know ourselves and you as a Tartarian?”
“I’ve heard that before.”
“To me, no. To others, more than likely.”
“That is the thing with the human mind, it rarely accepts beliefs that are outside of its standing belief systems for fear of being socially ousted despite the fact those standing belief systems make little of no sense and provide little no substance for your children’s generation. Though, that is the human condition.”
“Are you talking about religion?”
“Among other things, yes.”
“Like what else?”
“Like the monetary system for example. You fail day in, day out, to understand that your earthly money has absolutely no intrinsic value whatsoever, a concept that you yourself have been working on for more than some time now.”
“Well yeah, so I know what you mean from first-hand experience when you say that the human mind is a product of its belief systems, I mean, most people simply don’t want to know, which is the thing, change is the one thing people need most but change is also the one thing people most fear, which is why we are where we are.”
“This is why you are in for a major population cull.”
“What do you mean?”
“Most of your leg of humanity, and at the risk of sounding glib, is up for the chopping block, your population is expected to be culled back to half a billion people by the end of the year 2030.”
“Who and how’re they going to achieve that, if that’s even possible?”
“War is always a good start, after all, ‘there’s no business like war business,’ or however the saying goes. The thing is though, things are already underway and have been for quite some time if you want to believe there is a start date to all of this but what you need to understand is, we as a species, were bred to be used as soldiers and slaves, nothing more, nothing less. That is our role in the eyes of the agenda that runs this planet and why what is happening has been an ever-going process that has been in place for as long as humanity has been alive but, I’ll come back to that, if I may.”
“Sure, go on.”
“The monetary system is an absolute sham yet no one seems to notice and the ones who do notice and who choose to speak out, are ridiculed by those who want to remain wilfully ignorant and why this cull has been initiated.”
“Because of our ignorance in general or because the monetary system simply typifies that ignorance?”
“Both. Yes.”
“As Tartarians, we had in place a similar system to the one you currently have but it was calibrated by the powers that be to allow us a greater sense of freedom than the freedom you believe you have but when our time came, we were largely oblivious to who was really in control when they decided to rein us in, which is why we never saw it coming. We were prosperous but our prosperity was largely due to that same wilful ignorance that is human nature and why we never understood that the poverty that ensued, only ever ensued because of our ignorance, so it was ultimately that which turned our nations against one another. In a nutshell, poverty is a prerequisite for war, without poverty, manufactured or otherwise, wars would almost never happen.”
“Okay, I’ve got a question.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“I’ve known the monetary system is actually scheduled to collapse worldwide for the best part of twenty years, that’s a given, but getting people to understand that is like pulling teeth because people religiously stick to the belief that money is actually worth something, as if it’s a simple matter of life and death.”
“I understand. And your question?”
“So, who exactly is heading this agenda then?”
“The Draconians who are reptilian, though there are four main species here on this planet, aside from humans, that is. You also have the greys who are extremely cruel, you have another reptilian species that go by another name other than Draconian, then you have a species similar to humans in form. Though, I cannot give you much more than that because I simply do not know.”
“Now although this is not proof in and of itself, it is somewhat indicative but, take the name Draconian, by your own dictionary definition it means, excessively harsh and severe, though that definition comes from somewhere, it was not simply conjured up out of thin air, it was derived from what is the Draconian disposition, towards humans especially. Now take the root of the word Draconian, as in ‘dra’ okay, now our earthly mythologies are entrenched with myths like dragons, which is derived from that root, ‘dra’ as one example, a form of winged reptilian, perhaps exaggerated in stature and often times made out to be friendly as a form of mental conditioning, though they are a part of our earthly cultures nonetheless. Then you have that ‘dra’ again in the name Dracula, now maybe he wasn’t a vampire according to the nature of our mythologies but he was a blood drinker all the same, then having said that, don’t vampires, in some versions of mythology at least, shapeshift, changing from human form to a more evasive winged reptilian which would be in keeping with the growing belief that are the winged reptilians that also take on human form and live amongst you as if they are one and the same, propagating their agenda from positions of power such as monarchy and heads of state?”
“Not only that, for example, minotaurs and centaurs, half man, half bull, half man, half horse, though they are not so much the mythical creatures fantasied, again, in our earthly mythologies but the result of genetic experimentation, the splicing of genetically engineered DNA to form the mammals and reptiles they have but from what I understand they no longer exist, they were ultimately poor constructions that were not at all stable, from an genetic engineering perspective, that is, which would only last the lifespan of the creature concerned and would not pass on its new genetic form to its progeny. From what I can gather, for reasons I am not entirely certain, genetic engineering does not have a lasting effect and not something that can affect a species as a whole. Still, all life is precious, in every sense. Don’t ever forget that. Even those life forms you would call an abomination, all deserve respect.”
“So where are we in all of this then?”
“What you have to understand is that this whole planet is an experiment, there is almost not a single life form alive today that exists as it once did before this particular wave hit the earth those thousands of years ago.”
“That wave being the decent of those alien life forms onto the Earth’s surface?”
“Yes. We may consider ourselves to be indigenous to this planet but they consider themselves to be our makers so they precede us in that respect.”
“So, as human beings, we’re not indigenous to this planet?”
“No. Though, that is also something else I will come back to.”
“Okay then, I have another question.”
“Go ahead.”
“You keep saying ‘our’ when you refer to, for instance, our earthly mythologies and a bit before you said, ‘your leg of humanity’ as in, you’re talking about our two cultures as if they’re one and the same.”
“That is exactly it. We are one and the same.”
“What do you mean exactly?”
“What I mean is, you and me, our two civilisations are fundamentally no different, our cultures may have differed but we as human beings, are exactly the same.”
“What happens, periodically, is massive proportions of a given human culture are culled back to its bare roots and is then shuffled about on the planet, history is erased to the point where much is forgotten and a new civilisation is then rooted in the ashes of the civilisation previously passed, so to speak.”
“How would this agenda pull that off though, you’re talking about mass genocide on a scale that we’ve never known.”
“And this is where we are right now?”
“Tartaria has passed, so no, this is where you are right now.”
Freedom from within,
The Journeyman.