The Architect

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In this piece I’m going to outline something that I first published in The Buried Path back in 2010. This whole thing hasn’t been easy and I don’t think there’s been a day where I haven’t stumbled upon something and why, more importantly, I’ve come to a point where I really need to let all of this go, just not before I’ve finished.

It’s kinda strange though, especially in hindsight, knowing just how simple an answer, once answered, really is. Still, at the same time, as simple as that answer may be, I don’t want my life’s work to amount to what is, in the grand scheme of things, nothing more than a painfully obvious truth, it’s just too much of a waste of one man’s life. Still, having said that, I also know I need to be kind because that understanding didn’t come easy, it took time but although time may be exactly what is needed, time is not something we now have.

The problem right now is, humanity is at the precipice of change and we’ve not found ourselves here at this precipice through our own freedom of choice but, have been herded here by a series of multiple choices that have absolutely nothing to do with freedom whatsoever.

The character John Cleese played in the 2008 movie, ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ said, “It’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve.”

The truth is, if you convince a man that he is free, there’s almost nothing you can say, thereafter, that will convince him that he is in fact a slave, even if slavery is his absolute reality.

We believe we are free when nothing could be further from the truth. We have been indoctrinated since the day we were born through our schooling and through simple day-to-day living into believing, with the exception of a few creases in our social fabric, that the way we have been living is a way of life worth preserving…

…and we fight to the death to preserve that way of life, as do those who we see through our rifle sights.

Through that indoctrination we have been brainwashed into believing all sorts of things, so much so, that we see almost nothing else, which is why we are right where we are.

I believe that there is an agenda in place on this planet and that this virus is a Trojan Horse being used to usher in a New World Order, which is fearmongering people into acquiescing their sovereignty and ultimately their sense of self, based on a story that is yet to be backed by any form of medical science.

Basically, this leaves humanity, not at a turning point but, at a fork in the road, because there is no going back to normal; what we had may have become the norm but there was nothing normal about it, which is what has brought us to this precipice and why we either rise at the behest of our own autonomy or, fall at the feet of that agenda and forfeit a life really worth living.

There is no going back…

…not now, not never.

Now although change is the one thing people need right now, change is the one thing people fear most and why I feel that I am at a point where I am going to ostracise myself, to a large extent, from a lot people because so many people out there don’t want to know and worse yet, don’t want to change.

Still, despite peoples fear of change, what we need to do is architect a new future for not only our children but, for ourselves also, so we can each live however many years we have left or, bask in the light that is our eternal youth until we make what is, ultimately, a conscious decision and move on autonomously of our own free will.

The thing is, true growth isn’t grown from the ideals that’re ultimately the judgements of those who desire power but, grown from what are the fundamental truths that govern day-to-day living. Truth is never a judgement but an observation of what is so, nothing more, nothing less.

We should always be seeking truth before we seek anything else and know that the truth will forever be an observation noted from within the stillness of life whereas, a judgement, is nothing more than an opinion rooted from within the fears that, too often, cloud our vision.

Now, whether or not you believe in COVID19 is beside the point, because at the end of the day, what you once called normal, should’ve really been a whole lot better than it was, but you know that, and that’s why there’s no going back! You’ve seen that in your own life and in the lives of those around you, friends and family working in jobs that are more of a prison sentence than anything else, all for a paycheque that serves as nothing more than a basic leash that keeps you from exploring the world and its wonders.

The problem is, too often, our world’s societies are governed by those who ensure that bullshit masquerades as the truth and why the world is the way it is. You only have to look at the wars humanity has fought throughout the 20th century, wars that’re often orchestrated by an evil hand that almost never sees the light of day, sometimes fought without evidence and without anyone ever being held accountable. Though, the truth is, as Julian Assange said, “Populations have to be fooled into wars. Populations don’t willingly, with open eyes, go into a war.”

Which is why we’ve been kept in the dark and consequently why we have been kept from ourselves. We’re being used, not just as cannon fodder on the battle field but as servants in the workplace which has become the chains in which we live and the graves in which we are buried.

Soldiers and slaves.

That’s all we have ever been.


End of story.

So, we don’t need the ideals and promises of politicians that’re ultimately never kept, we need a system structured upon natural laws and upon deeper truths that can’t be swayed because those laws and truths are fundamental to life and how we as a species, live life the way life was meant to be lived.

Now, for any truth to take root within human culture, that truth needs to be observed from a point of collective understanding in order to form the foundations upon which all of humanity can build a life worth living.

The cornerstone of every single society, whether that society is functional or dysfunctional, is its economy, regardless of whether we trade sea salt or seashells, whether we trade silver or gold. What almost no one understands is that in today’s world, money is absolutely worthless and worse yet, we don’t even trade money, that we have never traded money, not never, not once.

Now I may be arrogant in my statement or you are ignorant in your understanding but if you were to take an apple, for example, in socioeconomic terms, that apple is a natural resource but it doesn’t get to the marketplace all by itself, that takes the efforts of an apple picker, a truckdriver, a self-stocker then a cashier to sell it to you which are, again, in socioeconomic terms, human resources. Though, in order to buy that apple, you need money, but to get that money you need to work, which is, again, a combination of natural and human and where you then take that money down to the supermarket and buy that apple. So although this may seem like a monetary based system, the base value of every transaction humanity has ever made and will ever make, is human and natural resources, money simply mediates that transaction.

That’s it!

This is effectively a resource-based economy that has practically nothing to do with money!

It doesn’t matter how elaborate your purchase may seem, every single product you buy, from your smartphone to the food you eat, has been derived from natural resources. Food is simple enough but every single component that makes up your smartphone has come from the environment in a raw, unfettered form that was then crafted by the human resource element that sees it packaged and boxed then bought and sold as it is.

Now although this is only the basic gist of it all, I’m not going to go into any more detail right here, there’s just too much that needs to be detailed that can be detailed in text alone which leaves me wondering, what exactly I’m going to do from here on in.

The truth is, people read less and less these days and if it isn’t a simple meme on Facebook they can effortlessly repost, they tend to pass it over as if reading in itself is just too much hard work. So, I’m thinking that I am going to take the ‘natural/human resource’ element and flesh that out into a script that I can turn into a movie, which frightens me no end. Still, as far as I can see, humanity is in the shit, we’re in it up to our necks in it and we’ve got till about the end of this year, 2021, to sort ourselves out, that’s it! So I’ve got to do this whether I like it or not.

What I intend to put down is the intellectual framework that’ll provide a collective understanding that’ll enable the world’s citizens, regardless of colour, creed or religion, regardless of gender, sexuality, or orientation, to work together in architecting a future in which we can all freely live without being fooled into war or anything else that sees us live in chains or buried in an early grave.

I don’t intend this movie to be a standalone piece but a piece to a much larger puzzle that’ll hopefully complement intellectual hubs such as The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project, who’ve already outlaid so much, who’ve already dug the footings in which we can begin to place the foundations upon which we can begin to build a brand new today.

Humanity needs to put aside its petty differences and begin collaborating in a way in which we have never collaborated if we are to survive what is coming because what is coming is going to change the face of humanity, forever.

We don’t have a choice…

…this is it for humanity and what it means to be human!

Now, regardless of you it is you stand, you may not have it all figured out but you do know that something just ain’t right, though, wherever it is you stand on that matter, will always be your choice.

Freedom from within,

The Journeyman.

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