Too often war is a set stage and the countries involved are not so much actors but players being played by their governments for reasons largely unknown to the general populace, then again, it’s not so much a country’s government but the shadow government that runs those governments that fool populations into going to war, that sees a country’s citizens laid to waste.
As Julian Assange said, “populations don’t like wars, populations have to be fooled into wars, populations don’t willingly with open eyes go into a war.” So why then are those populations being fooled into war, why then have so many wars been fought when populations are so unwilling?
It’s not natural to go off to war and kill each other the way we have which is why 22 veterans take their own lives due to PTSD every single day and why on a deeper level, taking another man’s life goes against the very grain that is human nature.
In times of war, if young men are lining up at the recruiting office, why then do they need to stand before the draft board? The draft board is there because young men aren’t lining up in enough numbers to fight the wars their governments want to fight.
Why in times of peace do countries employ compulsory military service if young men are lining up in their droves? Are governments preparing those young men for the inevitability of war in the absence of their ability to peacefully negotiate in a manner becoming or, are those wars in the works and are governments simply playing their part for their shadow government at the expense of those young men who know no better?
The draft board reflects, not cowardice, but the sentiment that man was never meant to kill his fellow man and why the draft board ultimately strips man of his freedom of choice, in turn, preparing man for an act that can only then be described as legalised murder.
It’s as if the world is the way it is by design, not by default, it’s as if war happens by design and not as a last resort, which is the thing, although nothing adds up, the reasons are endless and why human history is littered with nothing but.
It’s either politics, religion or resources. If it’s not politicians or priests rounding up young men to go off and die then we’re fighting over resources under pretentious reasons.
Which begs the point, why in a world where we can produce enough food to feed the world over, can we not feed ourselves?
Around 9 million people die every single year of hunger and hunger related diseases! More people die every single year of hunger and hunger related diseases than died over the course of the Holocaust, and that’s a war in itself which simply means, you don’t need a concentration camp to have a Holocaust, especially if your basic needs are trucked into your cities institutions and can be turned off or on depending on where your government wants you on any given day! Yet here we are asking questions that are beneath our intellect as if we don’t know any better.
Life is simpler than we make it out to be, yet we allow our lives to become the product of government dictates, of religious doctrines, not believing in ourselves, not believing in each other but instead allowing ourselves to be divided on different sides of our political and religious spectrums where we then fight the wars we fight.
As Albert Einstein once said, “a table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” Which is the thing, truth be told, why would any man want for more, for what more could any man want? Life in all simplicity is about nothing else, it really is that simple, yet we fight war after war, at the behest of those who lead our way, cultures lost, music, art and literature but buried beneath decisions that were never made by those who paid the price and why, responsibility lies with those who wander within every generation so that price is not paid and paid again by its children and its children’s children through the simple act of saying, NO!
As in the English couplet, “who loves not woman, wine, and song, remains a fool his whole life long.” And why should life be about anything else but the music you make, spirit of soul and the art of making love?
It’s the misinformation and the misdirection that we see day in, day out, played to us on a continual loop through our devices and through our television sets, offering us up but two simple nuances on the exact same theme with but one conclusion via different sides.
Media spin…
…plain and simple, yet we continue to trust those in perceived positions of power because the act of thinking, let alone challenging that spin is like, too much hard work, which is why war is but a reoccurring theme.
Yet we’re led to believe that it’s always down to a single dictator, the decision of one man that sees young men dead and nations in ruin when in fact, guilt resides upon the shoulders of those who blindly follow when instead those followers should walk with open eyes because ultimately, it’s that compliance that prolongs the nightmares those leaders create.
Wars are not fought by those who declare war upon opposing nations.
Humanity needs to rise from the ashes of all its wars past if it is to stand a chance of having a future worth sharing with its future generations. We need to question what it is we read and vet to who it is we listen so our present will become the foundation upon which our children will build what it is we have failed to build.
We’re lied to over and over again and we believe those lies without examination, assuming too often facts that are nothing more than fiction as we then, base our belief systems upon those lies on which those wars often start.
Which is what Mark Twain meant when he said, “it ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so,” and why, “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Rarely, if ever, do we research the facts, instead we dutifully accept the government narrative as fact without ever triangulating our own research, rarely, if ever, do we consider that either side is not actually at war with each other but is simply setting the stage, that war is but a stage and the media is simply selling tickets.
As Assange went on to say, “if we have a good media environment, then we also have a peaceful environment.”
Which is the thing, why are those who expose war crimes the ones doing time without charge when those war criminals who were exposed are walking amongst us as free men?
Something is fundamentally wrong with the world in which we live…
…something just ain’t right!
If young men need to be drafted then war is for politicians and priests alike so maybe they should fight their own wars and leave those young men alone. Plain and simple.
So, pass on all that have learnt and keep not knowledge a secret so man and mankind alike may live in light where it once dwelt in darkness and instead know a country by its songs, know a country by its resolutions and God willing, know a country by its women.
Let us not bury our wars but instead let war now be the foundation upon which a country and its neighbours cement the blockwork of a civilised society so humanity’s children can walk hand in hand.
As Dr. Seuss once said, “today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered,” and we will all be remembered, either way.
Freedom from within,
The Journeyman.