Iam always saying that, “I don’t know,” but the truth is, “I do know,” and that’s all there is to it, not in every single instance mind you but, more often than I care to admit, if only to myself. Still, the truth is the truth and the truth needs to be heard.
Now although I keep saying that I don’t know, I’ve been expecting COVID19 for somewhere between five and ten years, maybe not COVID19 exactly, but a virus of sorts.
I mean, there’s been enough apocalyptic virus movies based around 2020, enough talk of laboratory manufactured virus, then there’s Bill Gates’ TED talk about how it won’t be “missiles but microbes,” that’ll be the next biggest threat to humanity, not to mention the research that’s been provided about what’s really been going on in the vaccine industry for decades, at least.
Now it might not be easy to pick but they have been telling us both directly and indirectly for long enough now that we should all know more than we do yet, we’re still largely clueless to what’s really going on.
So this is not so much a ‘pan’ but, a ‘plandemic’ and it is a plandemic because this has been in the making for a long while, then having said that, I don’t believe that this is their first rodeo, that they’ve done this before and everything’s going according to plan.
What grabbed me though, was way back then, was catching a radio article about how viruses are becoming resistant to our antibiotics and thinking, “is that what they’re going to do to us, erase us with a virus?”
So I began thinking about how it would play out, picking the virus would be something that would transmit quickly, possibly be sexual in nature, because there’s nothing like sex and gender to divide the masses, it would coincide with a maximum population point of between nine and twelve billion people, it would then spark a war that would be fought with the same energy tech that was showcased on 9/11, ultimately reconstituting large portions of civilisation into fertile land as opposed to using toxic tech that’d render that same land infertile, as that war was finally won. Though, they were just my thoughts.
Now, it’s not played out along those exact same lines as I thought it would but it has played out in similar fashion. Still, there’s a long way to go but the truth is, from what I’ve been able to gather, this virus isn’t even real, and that ain’t a conspiracy!
Though the more you see the more you realize that much of what is being played out is brazenly published information that is openly available to anyone who is willing to scratch just beneath the bullshit that is being cited as fact by the mainstream media.
There’s an agenda in place on this planet that has been in place for centuries, if not millennia, and the plan for humanity is, AS FRIGHTENING AS FUCK!
Then having said that, this isn’t just about any of the above, this thread goes much deeper than all of that, this is about understanding that there is more to life beyond the narrow band of frequencies we are able to perceive within the limited scope that is our outer sensory perception, this is about our own spiritual autonomy, our own spiritual evolution as we make our way upon our own two feet so we are living lives that are our own and not lives that are indebted through the simple fearmongering that sees those same lives lived in check.
There is so much more to be had beyond the brainwashed corners of what we believe is the known world, there is so much more beyond the scope of our everyday reckoning but we are locked behind levels of ignorance that aren’t necessarily our own and only by unlocking that which has been locked will we come to understand that which is yet to be understood.
The truth is not out there, the truth lies within and only by going within will we never again go without.
Freedom from within,
The Journeyman.